COVEY news
Sam Reflects on his COVEY Journey

Sam recalls his first night with COVEY; the song Starships by Nikki Minaj was playing loudly in the hall and it was a Halloween themed night. Sam found it difficult. Everything was new, loud and overwhelming. He remembers getting upset and hiding in the toilets.
With a big smile, Sam talks with fondness about his group Facilitator, who came to help him. She calmly encouraged Sam to come back and join the group; a small act of kindness that went on to have an incredibly profound and positive impact on Sam’s life. Over ten years later, Sam reflects on his journey with COVEY.
“Before COVEY, I was in a dark place. You know, we all find things difficult sometimes, don’t we? What COVEY has done is just amazing and I’ve loved the experience.”
Sam talks with excitement as he explains that COVEY helps young people find and pursue their passions, giving them the chance to do the things that truly matter to them.
“People are free. We’ve been given the freedom to choose our own activities. Some like a movie night, some like a music or a games night. It’s really amazing. I love a music night!”
This love of music shines through as Sam talks about COVEY and everything the charity has done for him.
“You know there’s a song I’ve learned, and it’s called Eyes Wide Shut by Sabrina Carpenter. There’s a story behind that. It’s about my journey from COVEY. Before COVEY…my eyes were shut, but as soon as that song comes on, it immediately makes me more aware. It’s amazing how we come together as a group.”
Whilst the fun activities play a big role in Sam’s love of his group sessions, he tells of how this is only a small part of what makes COVEY so great.
“COVEY, for me, is not just about the activities. You get to meet new people along the way. We’re all friends and that’s what I love.”
On meeting Sam, it’s very clear that COVEY has played a vital role in helping him become the confident and wonderful person he is, a positive impact that is as strong today as ever.
“We’re going bowling tonight!”

Sam recalls his first night with COVEY; the song Starships by Nikki Minaj was playing loudly in the hall and it was a Halloween themed night. Sam found it difficult. Everything was new, loud and overwhelming. He remembers getting upset and hiding in the toilets.
With a big smile, Sam talks with fondness about his group Facilitator, who came to help him. She calmly encouraged Sam to come back and join the group; a small act of kindness that went on to have an incredibly profound and positive impact on Sam’s life. Over ten years later, Sam reflects on his journey with COVEY.
“Before COVEY, I was in a dark place. You know, we all find things difficult sometimes, don’t we? What COVEY has done is just amazing and I’ve loved the experience.”
Sam talks with excitement as he explains that COVEY helps young people find and pursue their passions, giving them the chance to do the things that truly matter to them.
“People are free. We’ve been given the freedom to choose our own activities. Some like a movie night, some like a music or a games night. It’s really amazing. I love a music night!”
This love of music shines through as Sam talks about COVEY and everything the charity has done for him.
“You know there’s a song I’ve learned, and it’s called Eyes Wide Shut by Sabrina Carpenter. There’s a story behind that. It’s about my journey from COVEY. Before COVEY…my eyes were shut, but as soon as that song comes on, it immediately makes me more aware. It’s amazing how we come together as a group.”
Whilst the fun activities play a big role in Sam’s love of his group sessions, he tells of how this is only a small part of what makes COVEY so great.
“COVEY, for me, is not just about the activities. You get to meet new people along the way. We’re all friends and that’s what I love.”
On meeting Sam, it’s very clear that COVEY has played a vital role in helping him become the confident and wonderful person he is, a positive impact that is as strong today as ever.
“We’re going bowling tonight!”